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You've been reading a lot this month!

This post from Russell Lloyd in 2016 explicitly explains the identical issue I'm experiencing.  

I am NOT using your product as a professional & my reading habits have been essentially identical for years.

Why is this error occurring & how do I rectify it?


I have been reading a lot

I have subscribed for many years without any issues.  It is a great service.  For the last 6 months or so I keep getting a message that I have been reading a lot this month?  Isn't that the point?  The message goes on to tell me If using professionally I should upgrade my plan.  I am not a professional and the only person using the app.  I am retired.   I get this message on the 1st of the month mind you.  In addition, my 5 subscriptions do not download automatically anymore.  I use to recommend the app to everyone.  I stopped because it is no longer friendly.  What is going on?  Is this an attempt for more revenue?  This is annoying and not the first time I have complained.  Also, I would have liked to contact PressReader about this issue.  I may be wrong but is there an easy way to get support?  I haven't found it.  There should be a link on the website.  Is anyone else getting this message?  It is very annoying. 

Russell Lloyd, the subscriber for many years

Tom Dahl

Official comment


Hi Tom,

I see that our colleagues have bene in touch by email. This is a message that readers will get, in case our system suspects that they may be using the subscription for professional purposes. You are currently on a Personal subscription which is intended for personal use only.


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i too have been getting this message. I've used press reader for years (via apple address that i no longer have) and never saw this message ..... and now I am reading slightly less, if anything - on average three papers a day over three devices -and am clearly not a professional (whatever that is), merely someone paying to read the "over 7000 titles" most of which are of little or no interest.

Diana Kay 0 votes
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@Diana, this message appears after you have passed a fair usage threshold, which does not disable your access. It is simply to notify you that you may have passed 200 issues which is considered a fair usage in a month.

PressReader Care

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