Official comment

Thanks for your feedback Andrew/Patrick/Greg, We hope to have this available in the future.
PressReader Care
It would be great to be able to complete a puzzle online. Why not make each square editable, so that we can digitally fill them in? No paper required!
Thanks for your feedback Andrew/Patrick/Greg, We hope to have this available in the future.
PressReader Care
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Great question, Greg. I'd like to see this feature on PressReader as well.
Yes please, I’d love to see this. I noticed Apple News recently started including interactive crosswords in the paid version. It would be great to have this feature.
Thanks for the reply, but are you really planning for this? It's been a decade since the question was first asked. Is there any progress you could share?
@Falco, we can certainly consider the possibility of adding this in our future developments, which is certainly a good to have feature. Thanks for continuing to send us feedback to make this a better product.
PressReader Care