
How to change/cancel a subscription

You can cancel or change your subscription at any time, here's how:

  1. Log into your account at
  2. Click on your nickname on the top right corner of the page
  3. Select Manage Account from the drop down menu
  4. On this page, open the Subscription tab, and select Change/Upgrade Subscription.
  5. Choose A) 'Pay As You Go' in order to discontinue a paid or a trial subscription, or B) select any other paid plans that you wish to switch to, then click to confirm the change:




Note: When you switch a paid subscription or downgrade to 'Pay As You Go' (for cancellation purpose), from a paid subscription, you will forfeit the remaining days of the current month on your plan. If you'd like to fully use each day, then submit a request to our customer care team Our Care team will help you switch your subscription at the end of the paid period.

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