
Post, Edit or Delete Your Comments

Did you just finish reading a great article – or maybe one you disagreed with? It doesn’t have to end there. Our comments section gives you the space to share ideas and connect with other readers. Drop your two-cents in the comments section and start engaging with readers from around the world. Hear both sides of the story from readers who really care about the issues, are on the ground floor, or just want to talk with like-minded readers.  Comments give you the chance to connect with the millions of PressReader readers in real time. Let’s do a quick review of what you can do with comments on PressReader!  

Post a comment

  1. Login to your PressReader account on the website or in the app.  (Create a free account right here.)
  2. On an article of your choice, tap or click on the comment icon in green.
  3. Next, click on “New Comment” on the top right hand corner of the comment box and enter your comment. 


Supercharge your comments with images or video

Have you ever felt like your comment would be enhanced with a video or image? We did too! Which is why we’ve made it easier for you to share videos on PressReader. It’s no secret that adding media can help boost engagement, and now you can share videos directly from Vimeo and YouTube without having to download a thing.

Here are the things that you can add to your comment: 

  1. Just click on "Add Photo" to choose an image to add to your comment. 
  2. Click on "Add Video" and paste a link from YouTube or Vimeo to add a video.
  3. You can also add an opinion or description with the video. Post when you're ready to share!

Delete or edit a comment

  1. While logged in, tap on your profile photo to see your Channel.
  2. Tap or click on your comment bubble in green to open the discussion thread.
  3. Then, tap on your comment to see the menu. Now you can choose to edit or delete your comment using the white icons that appear on top of your comment.


Bump or dump comments

Like or dislike a comment? You can Bump It or Dump It! Just tap on the comment to see the thumbs up and thumbs down icons. Tap on one of these to cast your vote. (You can change your vote by tapping on the opposite thumb.) If more people have Dumped the comment, it will appear on a pale red background. Bumped comments have a light green background. 


Finished reading an article and ready to comment?  Do you have the perfect video to share? No more waiting. Now you can upload and share videos and images at the same time you post comments!

Have a suggestion?

Let us know what you think of these features in the Community Forum right this way.

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